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This year during Advent we're gonig to take a break from our regular lectionary to try a little something new that, I hope, will add another dimension to our preparation for the birth of Jesus.  This year, we’ll be taking our readings from Year W of the Women’s Lectionary by Rev. Dr. Wil Gafney

Dr. Gafney is an Episcopal priest and Hebrew Bible scholar who specializes in Womanist interpretations of scripture.  The Women’s Lectionary was compiled to lift up the unheard or under-heard stories of women in scripture, but it's so much more than that! 

  • Dr. Gafney has completed an expanded translation of the texts that help readers know when women are present in the background of the story--women no longer disappear into the crowd, but are right in the middle of it all. 
  • She has included commentaries on each reading to help preachers understand the stories from new vantage points. 
  • And, what I personally find most exciting, using her Rabbinical training, Dr. Gafney uses descriptive names for God; where the English translation would usually render God's name as "LORD", Dr. Gafney uses a name that describes who God is in relation to the story--something like WELLSPRING OF LIFE” or “FAITHFUL ONE”.  I'm excited to see how these names for God expand our hearing of the liturgy.

We'll follow the Women's Lectionary through Christmas Eve and resume our regular readings after Christmas.  We hope exploring these stories and hearing the liturgy in fresh ways will add another dimension to your Advent preparation.  You can learn more about the Women’s Lectionary here.